The Team, Our Journalists/writers.

Our Journalists/Writers

Our Journalists/Writers work hard to bring great independent sports coverage. At On The Move with SportzKelzMedia, we believe in the power of independent journalism to inspire, inform, and engage audiences in meaningful conversations about sports. By providing a platform for independent journalists to shine, we are not only elevating the quality of sports coverage but also championing the principles of diversity, inclusion, and journalistic integrity in the media landscape.

Tonya Kelly

Tonya Kelly
Founder/Executive Director

Tonya Kelly is the esteemed business owner of Empower Our Youth Foundation, a renowned local and national 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to combating bullying, and Founder/Executive Director of On The Move with SportzKelz Media.

As a passionate advocate for independent journalism and sports, I founded SportzKelz Media to bridge the gap between the mainstream media and independent journalists in covering national/local sports events. With a vision to democratize sports coverage, our company provides opportunities for independent journalists to showcase their talent, perspectives, and unique storytelling abilities on a national/local platform.

Brad Finnearty


Brad is a Certified Webmaster with over 25 years of experience. He is the webmaster/writer/editor of On The Move with Sportzkelz.

He is a content creator and owns the Facebook page Big Rad Bowling, and the YouTube channel Big Rad Bowling

Brad has covered many top bowling events such as the NCAA Women’s Championships in Columbus, Ohio. He has also covered the PBA 50+ event at Wayne Webb’s Columbus Bowl, and the Mega event at HP Lanes in Columbus.

He is an accomplished senior bowler holding one Senior Singles League Championship. He is the current year average leader for the LBA Seniors singles league.

Okon Ekpenyong


Okon Ekpenyong is a multi-talented writer, journalist, and entrepreneur.

He regularly contributes to the New Americans magazine and covers college basketball for Sportzkelz media. In addition, he is the founder of Okiethedreamer Productions, a company that promotes new Americans and local businesses through community writing and referrals.

With his diverse skills and passions, Okon is dedicated to uplifting and showcasing the voices and stories of marginalized communities.